Project – my blogs how I realise the life travel summit

Yes, I will write a blog, every event, every idea, every result, I will discuss here and update always my website. The blog of Life Travel Summit reports mainly my travels. If you follow the different themes, you can imagine how I try to realise an idea.

I work since 20 years in the travel industry and I have fun. 2013 I start to make my websites myself with WordPress and it makes fun to publish content for everybody and have a fix anchor. I like to travel and started a lot of websites. Mainly I make website about different countries

Just take a look on topic projects (Google Translator you find in the footer):

Everybody can participate on my websites, just write me, you can send documents and photos by e-mail or you get directly the user as editor.

I need also some technical support. Every 2 months I organise a WordPress Meetup in Baden and visit the monthly events in Berne. See under
WordPress Baden

The time last very fast and I have to communicate more about the project. Also I should more active with videos and social media.

Please take a look to all the posts.